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这届艾美奖奖杯跑了? 嫩模大尺度无圣光私房照

查看:646 / 更新:2022-02-10 11:59

The 72nd Emmy Awards ceremony. /CFP


受新冠肺炎疫情影响,9月21日上午,第72届美国电视艾美奖(Emmy Awards)取消了往年盛大的、人群聚集的颁奖典礼红毯,改为线上举行,提名者在家中“云”参加颁奖典礼,只有少许几位明星到达现场。


颁奖典礼一开场,视频中显示,主持人吉米?坎摩尔(Jimmy Kimmel)在舞台上和“人满为患”的现场观众自如地打招呼。



Despite fewer dazzling gowns and tuxedoes on the red carpet, this year's Emmy Awards took place on Sunday at an empty Staples Center in Los Angeles with no less glamour.

Most Hollywood A-listers made their appearance in their pajamas, or in everyday attire from their living rooms, studies, guest rooms or elsewhere via the internet.

Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the event's organizers announced earlier that it would go virtual this year, with Jimmy Kimmel as the host. All the nominees, presenters and performers scattered around the world participated from the comfort of homes. What ensued was an Emmy Awards show to remember.

While opening the show, Jimmy Kimmel said that it seems "frivolous and unnecessary to do this during a global pandemic" because it cannot stop the COVID-19 pandemic. However, "it's fun. And right now we need fun," he said.


Emmys 2020: Jennifer Aniston and Jimmy Kimmel at the awards./AFP


典礼开始后,主持人坎摩尔和嘉宾詹妮弗?安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)开玩笑的想要先给获奖者的信封消毒再打开,却不小心把信封引燃了,颁奖典礼变成了救火现场,詹福妮拿起一旁的灭火器担起了消防员的责任。

The awards ceremony opened with host Jimmy Kimmel's monologue, and only a few stars, including Jennifer Aniston, showed up in the center with Kimmel. Disinfection spray was in place for the novel coronavirus containment measures at the awards show. Kimmel and Aniston even set fire to a winner's envelop after spraying it with Lysol disinfectant spray, joking that they were "sanitizing" it.


Live streaming the 72nd Emmy Awards ceremony. /CFP



The 72nd Emmy Awards ceremony in the cloud. /CFP

获得提名的演员们在家里的镜头前展现出了最生动的反应,一些“有偶像包袱”的演员与家人朋友在家里穿着出席聚会时才会穿的正式礼服,仪式感满满;还有一些演员毫不在意银幕形象地随便穿搭,穿着休闲服、皱巴巴的睡衣、敷着面膜,比如女演员雷吉娜?金(Regina King)穿着粉色西装和黑色T恤。

Some of the guests at home are dressed up in formal attire and had a gathering of family and friends with them. Others were seen casually lounging at home. One of them was actress Regina King, who received her historic fourth Emmy award. King spoke from an armchair in her home, wearing a pink suit and a black T-shirt bearing the face of Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by police in Kentucky in March.






拉米?尤瑟夫将视频上传到社交媒体平台写道,“当你落选艾美奖之后就会发生这种事情,” 视频中传出阵阵欢声笑语。


Some of the trophies were delivered to the winners by people in protective gear, which was also live broadcast on television. Actor Ramy Youssef posted a video on Twitter showing how a delivery person waved goodbye and ran away while he ended up not winning.

Youssef was nominated for best directing in a comedy series and best leading actor in a comedy series for Hulu's "Ramy." However, he ended up losing both. The video went viral on Twitter as well as Chinese social media Sina Weibo. Most viewers were amused by the innovativeness of this year's ceremony.

Apparently, it did bring fun for the guests as well as the audience.
