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每日新闻播报(August 26)

查看:967 / 更新:2022-02-10 15:50

Jury President Jeremy Irons speaks next to Artistic director, Carlo Chatrian, Executive Director of Berlinale International Film Festival Mariette Rissenbeek and Samuel Finzi during the opening gala of the 70th Berlinale International Film Festival in Berlin, Germany, Fe 20, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Gender-neutral acting prizes


The organizers of the Berlin International Film Festival say they will stop awarding separate acting prizes to women and men beginning next year.


Organizers said Monday the performance awards will be defined in a gender-neutral way at next year's festival, for which a physical event is planned.


The festival awards a Golden Bear for the best film and a series of Silver Bears, which until this year included best actor and best actress honors.


Organizers said those prizes will be replaced with a Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance and a Silver Bear for Best Supporting Performance.


At the same time, the Alfred Bauer Prize, which is named after the festival's founding director, will be permanently retired.


The prize was suspended this year due to revelations about Bauer's role in the Nazis' moviemaking bureaucracy.


The 2021 festival is scheduled for Feb 11-21.


Over the past weekend alone, the number of tourists visiting Hubei province reached more than 1 million, with Wuhan, the provincial capital, being the top destination.[Photo/Xinhua]

>College students back on campus


After almost eight months, universities in Wuhan, the Chinese city hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, are welcoming students in staggered time slots.


It's the latest sign of life getting back on track as the pandemic wanes further in the country.


More than 9,000 undergraduate students at Wuhan University began to take classes on Monday after returning to campus over the weekend.


The remaining undergraduate and graduate students are expected to return on Sept 1, 2 and 6, while the freshmen are set to start university life on Sept 11, the university said.


At the school gates, the students' codes on their health kit apps, temperatures and identities were checked and their belongings disinfected.


Students are allowed to leave the campus only after filing an application.


Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan welcomed more than 4,000 undergraduates to its Shouyi campus on Saturday.


The Ministry of Education has recently required efforts to restore normal teaching at the country's schools and universities, with effective anti-epidemic measures in place.


People shop at a night market on the street in Chengdu, Sichuan province. [Photo/China Daily]

>Chengdu jumps in global ranking


The Globalization and World Cities Research Network (GaWC) released its latest world cities rankings on Aug 21, with six Chinese cities ranked at Alpha level, or first-tier city level.


Southwest China’s Chengdu jumped 12 places from the 2018 ranking, to the Beta+ level, and took the No 59 spot worldwide.


Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing ranked as Alpha+ cities in this year's rankings, while Guangzhou, Taipei, and Shenzhen were among the Alpha-list.


As the only Chinese city ranked in the Beta+ level, Chengdu's skyrocket rise can be attributed to its strong connection with other cities in China and the globe, said Ben Derudder, associate director at the network, adding that the dual airport mode in Chengdu will enhance its transportation capability to a large extent.



>Trump nominated for 2nd term


US President Donald Trump was nominated for a second term on Monday at the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.


In rally-style remarks, the president touted achievements from his first term, focused on his administration's response to the pandemic, and again attacked mail-in voting.


He also touched on a series of policy priorities for the next four years if he is re-elected, including creating jobs, cutting taxes, lowering drug prices, and continuing the military buildup.


The president is set to deliver his nomination acceptance speech from the South Lawn of the White House on Thursday evening.


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