找朋网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《侦凶》分集剧情简介第1-全集大结局


查看:602 / 更新:2022-02-10 13:28



  Anthony is deep in thoughts when he suddenly sees Sam appearing in front of him. Sam then reveals that the killer must be someone who will benefit from his death. Just then Anthony realizes that had fallen asleep while thinking about case. The “dream” got him thinking.. Mickey is now a lead as a result of Sam’s death; could he be the real murder?



  Anthony senses that Hai Shu, the lighting specialist of the team is very uncomfortable with his presence and decides to find out more about him. While pursuing his leads, Anthony passes by a room in the theatre and is taken aback by the crying sound coming from the room. He decides to check out the room.



  While trying to deflect any suspicion on him, Mickey reveals that he thinks the lead actress; Xie Ning is a suspect as she’s romantically linked to Sam and she’s been unhappy with him for a long time. Anthony hears crying sound coming from the same room again and decides that he needs to investigate. He’s shocked to see…


  Anthony面对女友和工作压力,眼看案情毫无进展,让他苦恼不已。‘Sam’再次出现,提醒Anthony剧团里的人都是演员,他所看到的一切,也许只是一场演出; Anthony顿有所悟,就在他快找出破案的新线索时,突遭人袭击,昏了过去…。

  Anthony feels stressed out by his relationship problems as well as the pressure to crack the case. Under such immerse pressure, he starts “seeing” Sam images again. Sam reminds him that everyone in the theatre is an actor. Just when Anthony thinks he has a possible enlightenment to crack his case, somebody knocks him unconscious.