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《百岁大吉/Good Luck》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局

查看:999 / 更新:2022-02-10 20:12

Lin Shijie is the orphaned child of Xiangniang’s eldest son. His parents were killed in an accident while he was still a baby. Shijie was brought up by Xiangniang, Shijie’s unbridled ways and carefree spirit captivates Suxian at first sight. His character remains unchanged even after he gets married and has a son, Jiayuan. Lacking a sense of responsibility and wasting his life away, Suxian reaches breaking point and finally parts ways with Shijie. To avoid hampering Suxian from remarrying, Shijie makes up his mind to emigrate with Jiayuan.

After regaining her singlehood, Suxian puts her heart and soul into her career. Suxian is attentive to details and is thoughtful to others. She has no qualms about putting up a front as long as this does not burden anyone. Although she has divorced Shijie, Suxian remains close with Xiangniang. She is the one who understands Xiangniang’s feelings most. Xiangniang lives in hope that Suxian will reconcile with Shijie.

Jiayuan, who grew up abroad receiving a liberal education, is sly and capricious. He enjoys observing people and is good at reading their moods. After years of being away, Jiayuan returns to the family home. He sees in his great grandmother, Xiangniang, a centenarian surrounded by a bunch of money grubbers lusting after her remaining fortune. As Jiayuan laments his observation, he is suddenly seized by a sense of righteousness. When Xiangniang regains consciousness from an accident, both of them join hands to save the family….

Lin Xiaohe, Xiangniang’s third son, is the boss of a traditional hair salon. Xiaohe is amiable toward outsiders but is domineering when it comes to family members, particularly towards his wife, Zhong Yunxiu who is submissive to him. The couple has an only daughter, Lin Shihui.

Shihui has always been an independent, and a sensible girl who does not give trouble to her parents. Opinionated and capable, she is savvy in seizing opportunities. Upon graduation, she is employed in an auditor’s firm. Her excellent performance earns the boss’ trust. Shihui resents her father’s overbearing ways, which strains the relationship between father and daughter. For fear that Yunxiu will cross her marriageable age, Yunxiu constantly pesters her to tie the knot. This forces Shihui more than ever to evade the question. That is, until she meets Liu Xuan…

Liu Xuan is good looking and charming. Despite holding a Masters in Philosophy, he does not pursue fame and fortune. Full of passionate ideals, he gives up a well-paying job as a lecturer in an academy to teach in a Special Education school, helping children with learning disabilities.