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In the spring of 1935, heading into Big Ten Conference Championships, Jesse Owens, a 21-year-old track star from Ohio State University, was suffering from a back injury he had sustained falling down a flight of stairs. He received treatment right up to race time. Then lightening struck. In less than 70 minutes, Owens broke three world records (in the long jump, the 220-yard dash and the 200-yard low hurdles) and tied a fourth (in the 100-yard dash). The following year, Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.
1935年参加美国中西部10大名校(The Big Ten)大学生运动会时,杰西·欧文斯这位21岁的俄亥俄州大学学生正饱受背部伤痛折磨。然而,谁也没有想到,直到比赛前还在接受治疗的他,在70分钟内连续打破了3项世界纪录,分别是跳远、220米跑和200米跨栏,并且随后平了100米跑的世界记录。在接下来1936年的柏林奥运会上,杰西·欧文斯一举获得了4块金牌。