找朋网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《警徽天职2》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局


查看:565 / 更新:2022-02-10 18:00



  Episode 5

  Xinyi arrests Fan Jianming when she is investigating a serial rape case。 When she goes through Jianming’s photos, she discovers that some of them belong to her friend Keqiang’s girlfriend, Sini。 Xinyi realises that Sini used to prostitute but struggled to tell Keqiang the truth。



  Episode 6

  Xinyi brings up Sini to Yaojia but hesitates about revealing the truth to Keqiang。 Yaojia advises Xinyi not to interfere in others’affairs。 Sini bumps into Xinyi at the police station while assisting in an investigation。 She tells Xinyi her reason for turning to prostitution and pleads with Xinyi to keep it a secret。