找朋网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《警徽天职2》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局


查看:565 / 更新:2022-02-10 18:00



  Episode 9

  Zhiheng, Xinyi, Yongzhe and Coco go to the park to play Frisbee。 Max secretly instigates Yongzhe to assault Don。 Eyewitnesses claim they saw a few youngsters fleeing the crime scene and Yongzhe and his friends are brought to the police station for questioning。 Yaojia finds Yongzhe suspicious when taking his statement。



  Episode 10

  Zhiheng suddenly receives a call from Coco claiming that she was raped by Yongzhe。 Zhiheng and Xinyi rush to the scene but find no one。 Situ Yan is surprised when she finds out that Yongzhe is involved in a rape case。 She questions Yongzhe but he denies any knowledge of the case。