找朋网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《警徽天职2》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局


查看:565 / 更新:2022-02-10 18:00



  Episode 17

  Lan Tian and Zhi Jie bump are out when they into Zhi Jie’s ex-boyfriend and his wife. Zhi Jie’s ex-boyfriend thinks she is still single but Zhi Jie says she already has a boyfriend. Lan Tian plays along and Zhi Jie is grateful to him for bailing her out and the two finally get together.



  Episode 18

  Lan Tian is afraid of Yu Qi’s feelings for him and explains to her his relationship with Zhi Jie. He makes it clear that he only treats her like a friend. Yu Qi begs Lan Tian not to leave her. She seeks Zhi Jie out and tries to harm her.