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《分手快乐/Let It Go》分集剧情简介第1-13全集大结局

查看:950 / 更新:2022-02-10 11:52

  Yan Neo (Jeanette Aw) is a blogger who shot to fame for baring her multiple breakup experiences. Not only does she detail her failed relationships on her blogging space, she exercises no discretion when it comes to shaming her exes. There is, however, her fifth ex-boyfriend who has never been exposed.

  A newspaper reporter, Judy interviews Yan. Judy is not in favour of Yan’s post-breakup approach. She feels that Yen is asserting a negative influence over her readers to give up on their relationships easily. In fact, Judy is tangled in an underground relationship.

  Yan co-habits with her long-time bestie, Du Jia Yi (Mindee Ong). Jia Yi is a flight attendant and has a close boyfriend, Ethan. Jia Yi plans a surprise on Ethan’s birthday but catches him in bed with another girl! Shattered from the sight, she attempts suicide. Yan makes it in time to stop her. Witnessing this episode, Judy breaks off from her unstable relationship with her boss.

  There is a reason to Yan’s happy breakup theories. Yan once had a secondary schoolmate, Joyce whom she was extremely close to. They were 15 years old then. Unable to deal with the pain of a breakup, Joyce committed suicide. Up till now, Yan still feels pretty choked about this incident and firmly believes that the tragedy would not have happened if someone was there for Joyce, to help her let go of the relationship and move on,.

  Won over by Yan’s approaches to happy endings, Judy invites Yan to start a column on breakup experiences, hoping that her stories could “heal” readers.

  Ah Man (Calvin Soh), a makeup artist, is Yan’s tenant; they are close friends who keep no secrets from each other. As a makeup artist for celebrities, Ah Man claims to be a trend-setter with an exquisite eye for beauty. However, Ah Man and Jia Yi find each other a pain in the neck.

  When Jia Yi broke up with Ethan, Yan thinks that Jia Yi is able to let go and move on happily. Little did she know that things have backfired. Yan finds out that Jia Yi is harbouring hopes on reuniting with Ethan and is strongly against it. Jia Yi does not understand why Yan is so against this relationship. Their friendship sours.

  To prove Ethan is a womanizer, Yan engages Mark Chow (Elvin Ng) a freelance photographer under the recommendation of Ah Man. To her surprise, Mark (Elvin Ng) is a conservative man with a strong sense of integrity. Mark refuses Yan’s request to snoop around taking pictures of cheating partners. Angered by the rejection, Yan takes matters into her own hands.