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《分手快乐/Let It Go》分集剧情简介第1-13全集大结局

查看:950 / 更新:2022-02-10 11:52

  Mark misunderstands Yan’s well intentions for Jia Yi. Both of them have conflicting views over how one should move on happily. As time goes by, Mark sees the good in Yan and understands Yan’s beliefs. In a strange twist of events, the two of them become pseudo-lovers.

  Of the times she bares her relationship woes on the blog, Yan blames the other party for the failed relationship. Gradually she has her emotional walls up. She does not believe in love that easily anymore. She reserves her feelings and gives up on a relationship readily to avoid falling into deeper misery. That is until Mark recklessly enters into her life.

  Just when Yan and Mark develop feelings for each other, Yan’s fifth boyfriend, Daniel appears. To avoid moving on to the next stage with Mark, Yan patch things up with Daniel and draws a line between the both of them. This time, Mark seeks her to heal him from the breakup.

  As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. When Ah Man mistakenly believes he contracted a terminal illness, he discovers Jia Yi’s care and concern for him. He knows that Jia Yi only has eyes for Mark but goes for the broke and confesses to Jia Yi. He starts to pursue her. Later in an accident, Ah Man injures his right hand. Having to lose his career over the injury, Ah Man has no courage to pursue Jia Yi any further. He hopes to fulfill Jia Yi’s dreams of marrying to Mark. However, Mark only has Yan in mind…

  The four of them are caught in a love rectangle… In the end would it prevail happiness through letting it go or holding onto tightly to each other?

电视剧《分手快乐/Let It Go》人物介绍:

  梁语嫣(Yan Neo):欧萱

  33岁。美女。时尚。单身。知名博客 (blogger) 。为人重义气,嘴硬心软。与母亲分开住,有两个哥哥,父亲早逝。因在坎坷爱情路上无数次受伤后,而变得‘强悍’,久病成医,每一次分手,让她变得更懂得保护自己,却也导致她渐渐对爱情失去了信任和信心。一直养着第5任男友留给自己的可爱龙猫,潜意识期待着男友有日会回来找自己。

  Yan Neo: Jeanette Aw

  A fashionable 33-year-old single blogger, Yan Neo is known for explicitly baring her breakup experiences and shaming her exes online. Tough on the ouside, soft on the inside, Yan is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She appears to be emotionally stronger after each breakup but her confidence in relationships dwindles. She keeps a Chinchilla, a gift from that special ex-boyfriend, in the hope that he would come back for her one day.