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《分手快乐/Let It Go》分集剧情简介第1-13全集大结局

查看:950 / 更新:2022-02-10 11:52

  Du Jia Yi: Mindee Ong

  A 33 years old flight attendant, Jia Yi is sweet and gentle ladykin. She appears to be weak but transforms into a stronger person when angered. Jia Yi is Yan’s roommate, classmate and also her bestie. She is protective over the weak; believes in love yet dates an unfaithful man. Jia Yi develops a crush on Mark. Although she always bickers with Ah Man, she buries the past and helps Ah Man wholeheartedly to achieve his dreams when she finds out that he is terminally ill. This touches Ah Man and convinces him that Jia Yi is the one he has been waiting for.