找朋网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《仁心侠旅2》分集剧情简介第1-全集大结局


查看:556 / 更新:2022-02-10 17:54

  -- Manila street kids

  There are millions of people living on the street of Manila, many of whom are kids. They spend every minute living off the streets - bullying others and getting bullied, being sexually abused and sexually abusing others, tempting others to take drugs and being sucked into the world of drugs themselves. The only mode of eking out a living which they are familiar with is none other than begging, prostituting, stealing and dabbling in drugs...

  Butch is all too familiar with this mode of living as he grew up in the streets. He could have opted for a "proper" job upon his reformation, but he chose to return to the streets so that he could be with the street kids and help them change their way of living.

  Paige Chua embarks on a street journey with Butch and witnesses how this once fallen angel pushes forth an almost impossible mission with a steadfast devotion.

电视剧《仁心侠旅2/The Activist's Journey 2》剧情分集介绍:第三集 -- 山谷的曙光







  -- The Hidden Light of Hope in Humla

  Nepal has 1.85 million visually-handicapped people, of which 30,000 children are totally blind and 90,000 partially blind. Most of these children live in remote villages in the mountains.

  According to Nepali tradition, being visually-handicapped is seen as a curse, hence many blind children face discrimination and are neglected.

  Chitup, a Nepali who is visually-challenged, set up a mobile blind school, offering Braille education to the blind children in the mountainous areas. Chitup, born in a remote village of Humla, is one of the few visually-handicapped who has completed his college education in Kathmandu. He learned about social entrepreneurship in India and was enlightened to set up a mobile school, bring education to the blind in the remote villages.