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查看:556 / 更新:2022-02-10 17:54

  How does he change their lives and offer them a glimmer of hope? The Activist's Journey II journeys into the mountainous regions in Nepal to unravel the compelling stories of the blind children.

电视剧《仁心侠旅2/The Activist's Journey 2》分集介绍:第四集 -- 农地悲歌

  印度人口有60%是农民,喂养全国12亿人。然而从1997年至今,已有21万农民自杀身亡 -- 且真实数字可能不止于此。上世纪60年代的"绿色革命"恶果浮现,人们为购买种子、化肥和农药而倾家荡产、债台高筑,又无法从污染而贫瘠的泥土里再种出东西。得不到任何支援的农夫,用一瓶农药,一棵树,了结绝望的生命。新传媒艺人蔡琦慧这次走访印度农民自杀黑区安得拉邦,聆听深陷困境农夫的心声,并从孤儿寡妇的哀痛中感受民间团体"关怀公民组织"的悲悯和智慧。

  -- Death and Despair in Rural India

  Farmers constitute 60% of India's population and produce food for 1.2 billion people, but 210 000 of them - or possibly far more - have committed suicide since 1997. With the Green Revolution of the 1960s gone awry, many are mired in bankruptcy and debts over the purchase of seeds, fertilisers and pesticides, and their land have also become too contaminated and impoverished to yield anything. Not getting any support, they often turn to a bottle of pesticide and a tree, with which they end their lives in desperation. Paige Chua visits Andhra Pradesh, an area heavily plagued by farmer suicides, to listen to the cries of troubled tillers and bereaved families. In the midst of all these, the compassion and wisdom of the Caring Citizens' Collective, a NGO engaged with this quiet calamity, come through.

电视剧《仁心侠旅2/The Activist's Journey 2》分集介绍:第五集 -- 喋血青春


  -- The Blood and Fury of Youth

  Despite its apparent serenity and beauty, the Thai city of Chiang Mai is the locus of much restlessness and insecurity. The 70 or 80 street gangs here, each with its own turf; engage in group violence under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Gang members, many of whom have even died in the streets, bear wounds from knives and gunfire, but the hardest thing to heal is really the lack of love. Redemption begins when a 66-year-old lady walks into their lives and offers the long-awaited balm of loving care.